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    But, last I heard, we're not at war with Yemen, in fact we're working together. We weren't at war with…
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  • For the same reason they keep using the term "assassination." For emotional effect.
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  • Seldom.  Very seldom. I agree that some black-letter law would be a good idea here.  If you read about the…
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  • Absolutely. Remember when the right-wingers used to like to say "This is a different kind of war?"  Well, they're right…
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  • The Fifth Amendment has never applied to wartime enemies. To say that it does is to say that we need…
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  • Using the word "assassination" to describe a military action that kills a wartime enemy is just an attempt to impute…
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  • The Obama administration's redefinition - we're no longer fighting a War on Terror, but a war against a specific organization…
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  • American citizens fighting for the other side have been killed in just about every one of our war. Every single…
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  • There are extremist, minor parties in this country - the Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist League (RAIL, Maoists), International ANSWER, others - who…
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  • It really does come down to that, doesn't it? It's all tied up with the Iraq War.  Its supporters made…
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  • Lots of people connect to that. I don't know where you're from, but most people do not connect to "people…
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  • See, that's the thing: what is "Wall Street?" I was under the impression that this was about large investment banks,…
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  • You don't need to worry yourself about those people around Wall Street. They seem to be taking care of themselves.…
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  • "What's missing from Greenwald's essay is any sense of what he would like Wall Street to do." Or even, what…
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  • Only if, three and a half years later, you still think the "post-partisan stuff' was an actual attempt to work…
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  • So, just to be clear, in 2010 the NRA gave Barack Obama an F for his performance on gun issues...and…
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  • Wayne LaPierre spent 2008 telling his people that if Obama won office, he would take their guns.  Sales of firearms…
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  • "...in some form or fashion?" That's not a message, if you're writing "...in some form or fashion." And I repeat…
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  • Getting the fuck out of Iraq is a clear message, but look how that worked out. Three elections later, we…
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  • The protesters, obviously. The media wasn't terribly kind to the people who protested against the Iraq War back in 2003,…
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