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    No, you don't. You're lying, and it isn't working. I do thank you for being so astoundingly incompetent, though, and…
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  • What makes you think I would have the slightest interest in treating you seriously, sock puppet? Go redeem your Red…
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  • "Why don't you just come off it and admit what your real problem with Obama is: Race." Just like pretty…
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  • You're not fooling anyone, Red State.
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  • "And I DO like the site...I visit it every day." Hey, Einstein: see how your name is a link? Click…
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  • That's not a PUMA, that's a sock puppet.  This guy wouldn't piss on Hillary Clinton if she was on fire.…
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  • Right, because every event in Afghanistan used to generate a front-page post. WTF are you babbling about?
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  • I've read a description of the suburbs and rural areas outside of Cincinnati as a combination of all the worst…
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  • The Republicans used to be seen as a bulwark against radicalism.  Even if the Democrats weren't radicals, they didn't seem,…
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  • Correct.  If hostility to Israel is such a big motivator for al Qaeda, why have there been approximately zero al…
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  • Turkish troops have fought side by side with our own in any number of wars.  They're our NATO allies, and…
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  • Bonnie, That is just one of the many reasons the Washington "Professional" football team deserved to lose every game they…
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  • I would say that the bits the seep into the football coverage are the worst of the lot.
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  • Zawahiri and Omar are in Pakistan. We certainly need to keep going after them, but the relationship between that goal…
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  • The teevee nooz is discussing it as a "CIA tipster" who has been credible in the past.
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  • "but there's absolutely no precedent for nationalizing a bank anywhere near the size of Citi or BofA" And certainly not…
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  • "Yes, Obama did do it." No, he didn't.  Senate chairmanships are determined by the Senate leadership, and the branches of…
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  • "(and for which he got the Nobel Prize)" He got the Nobel Prize for restarting nuclear reduction treaties. Your facts…
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  • "You're not aware that he has authorized assassinations of individuals?   That those people include American nationals?" Not a war…
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  • And it leaves the current regulations in place. Current regulations that include a much more aggressive regulation to reduce smog…
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