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    1. Or something. The "something" being "the entire rest of his legislative agenda."  He'd already put that agenda on hold…
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  • Your post "merely" did nothing but parrot anti-Obama talking points. "The one?"  "Obama is weak?" Why don't you just call…
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  • I don't think that's quite right.  Have you ever seen Lieberman demonstrate any prejudice against Christians, Latinos, African-Americans, or anyone…
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  • Wouldn't it be nice if people wrote on-topic comments instead of treating every thread as their own personal "How I…
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  • Joe Lieberman WANTS the war against al Qaeda to be a civilizational war between Islam and the West.  Obama is…
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  • They do indeed have Fantasy Baseball. Also: Fantasy Congress.  You draft Reps and Senators, and get points for bills they…
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  • You remember, Sarah the Plumber.
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  • What of it?
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  • QB: Tom Brady.  adv: joe RB: Ahmad Bradshaw.  adv: none RB: DeAngelo Williams.  adv: BooMan WR: Greg Jennings.  adv: none…
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  • Humanitarian intervention raises some genuinely difficult questions for the Left.  The concept pits many of our deeply-held principles against each…
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  • This will be a better world when mass atrocities by a government against its people are not brushed off as…
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  • The last time I was told I was "panicking" over a candidate because I found so many of that candidate's…
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  • "Taking a confrontational stance" doesn't create jobs and improve the economy. Even if it makes you feel awesome and pump…
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  • I'm cautiously optimistic that there could be some improvement among the Republicans. Keep in mind that Obama's reelection in 2012…
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  • Plouffe's a sharp cookie.
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  • Nonsense.  The Washington Dems can read a top donors list.  They know what groups in the coalition matter. The Unions…
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  • Trumka asked a question.  He's urging Obama to go in the direction he's already indicated he will go during the…
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  • Since this thread is all over the place anyway: Have everyone seen the video of Rick Perry answering a question…
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  • Are your woods deciduous or conifers? The latter come down a lot easier than the former.  Shallower root system. We…
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  • How much fluid is used in hydrofracking?  Is it on the same scale as the wastewater dumping in Colorado? (BTW,…
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