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    This is why we can't have nice things.
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  • Do you think Clarence Thomas would appreciate a big ol' tub of farm-fresh, delicious, hand-churned butter for his birthday?
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  • There's one other factor you have to account for, BooMan: anti-incumbent sentiment. The public wants to throw the bums out,…
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  • And if the Supreme Court says that you have the right to consensual sex within your home, then you have…
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  • If the GOP nominates a wingnut and they lose the next election, they just might finally be willing to acknowledge…
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  • You mean the Deval Patrick who went on one of the national Sunday talk shows and praised Romney for being…
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  • But that's not so important.  It isn't the delegate take from those three states that matters, but getting the attention…
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  • I like how he slipped in the description of Thomas as "violent" without the slightest evidence that he behaved violently…
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  • the Fed is at the limit of its stimulatory powers. I should have said, at the limits of its stimulatory…
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  • OK, here's what's actually happening on Planet Earth: Stocks Soar After Fed Pledges Low Rates Into '13 WASHINGTON--The Federal Reserve…
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  • The Fed is irrelevant except to keep things from getting worse because of the paper money games on Wall Street.…
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  • Meh, I supported Ben's reappointment; there's a reason he's been known as Helicopter Ben! And the reason he's "Helicopter Ben"…
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  • because he has not filled two chair seats, and they've been empty for a long time. And interest rates are…
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  • Today, I told my 8-year-old daughter what a strike is, and what a union is, and why striking workers are…
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  • The Fed just announced that they are keeping interest rates at 0 for the next two years. But it's interesting:…
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  • I wouldn't say I "equate" you with Jack Van Impe. He's more coherent.  I don't think that he would claim…
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  • Boehner was completely full of shit when he said that, but I heartily approve of hanging that quote around his…
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  • Arthur Gilroy reminds me of those evangelical TV preachers who are obsessed with Armageddon.  Did anyone ever watch Jack Van…
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  • The wife and I moved our retirements into cash the weekend before August 2, just in case. Then the debt…
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  • Seconded. The heat breaks records, I work all day. The snow piles up, I work all day. The bridge falls…
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