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    Doesn't it though.  And there wasn't even any fights over who got which nipple, or Gar crowd surfing over the…
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  • Two minutes and 51 seconds of non-stop sucking!
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  • Alcoholism is a physical disease, yes.  But that doesn't mean that there are not cultures of drunkeness, which there are.…
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  • Sorry, it's taking forever to upload.  That may be because I exported it as a High Definition Video file.  Live…
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  • I've got another unedited clip uploading to YouTube and will post the link short (if all goes well).
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  • Gar and Squeak mostly just lying there.
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  • Try not to get too overheated.   Remember I still have to figure out how to use the software to…
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  • That's why your next dog should be a Pyr, they'll suffer any indignity. Morning all. I'm waiting for the light…
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  • My step-father's smoking (including in a closed car with us kids in the back) gave me asthma - which I…
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  • I think you are missing the point.  This was a period of unpresidented change, and the working class in particualar…
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  • 'Night all.  Enjoy your day.
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  • I think this is the photo that every parent should keep on hand to show their kids what they will…
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  • That's a real stunner of a photo Andi. Update on the puppy YouTube: the camera I borrowed Saturday didn't have…
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  • Plus, without "speakeasies", the US would never have fomented the American Jazz culture.  Marginalizing certain activities can create the kind…
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  • If you are referring to Prohibition as "repressive", than you really have no idea what alcohol consumption was like during…
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  • I'd suggest checking out some of his other YouTube videos, like "The Guilt Song", subtitled 'fuck the poor'.  He's very…
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  • But I really need that tax cut. ;p
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  • Like many of the birds here, they have fantastic shades of otherwise unremarkable colors.  Names like 'Grey Fantail' (another one…
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  • Stick with it - really, it gets better. And take your canvas bags.
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