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    Good Morning from a cool and clear Monday.  The moon is just starting to drop behind the clouds low on…
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  • Yes, I was Hoover-jacked.  But oddly, I didn't mind.
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  • How could I have forgotten "Mr Toolbelt" himself? Checking the tools Checking the materials Checking the work The commute home
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  • Fortunately, she telegraphs her shakes fairly well, giving me a chance to step back and mostly out of range. We're…
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  • A car wash north of Hobart installed four of these about two years ago and we've never looked back. It…
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  • Dog wash Dog Dry
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  • I'm just sooooo glad she's not a garbage hound that I pretty much let her eat what and when she…
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  • I'm very fortunate that they are so bold and will come that close to me.  Of course the dog food…
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  • Another shot of the fabulous male.  I've left it rather sizable, so don't open it if you are on dial-up…
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  • I like skinks too.  Kookaburras are not actually native to Tasmania.  They were introduced here from the mainland sometime in…
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  • The Welcome swallow was a bit too far away to get a good shot, but thank you for the complement.…
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  • For some reason I'm suddenly very hungry.  Plus it is lunch time. Unfortunately I was wrong about the haze burning…
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  • And you would be universally welcomed.
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  • Yes, they have a very intense nature. Unfortunately that nature is carried out at lighting speed, so I rarely get…
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  • Two words: road trip!
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  • I hadn't taken the "cursing' request literally, but now that you mention it . . . Hear this, thou who…
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  • Her much less blurry mate (one of them anyway, she has two [that I know of]).
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  • Yeah, what Mary said. I took the survey btw - not too intrusive.
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  • brought to you courtesy of our female Superb Fairy wren.
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