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    Yes it is, but the downside of being the cutest bunny on the planet is that his minions can't help…
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  • Today was the first day that actually felt like spring Downunder.  Imogen and I built another raised garden bed yesterday,…
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  • Luna likes pasta, so maybe George would like a a soba or udon dish.  Second helpings seem to have placated…
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  • Although Albert is subjected to snuggling on a daily basis, he, at best, considers it the unwelcome tariff he pays…
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  • Luna goes through phases.  Just a few days ago she wanted her meat cooked, but today raw is fine.  I…
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  • I just threw some raw meat at her, but from the bowl scraping sounds coming from outside I'd better throw…
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  • At least there are lovely trees to look at. Hi Andi. It's almost 7pm Monday evening here, and Luna is…
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  • If only! We actually refer to the laundry room as "Albert's Room" because in addition to it being his bedroom,…
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  • Enjoy your Saturdays everyone.  We spent ours working on the yard (mostly pulling up unwanted plants so the alpacas won't…
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  • If (you catch it), being the operative word. I think Luna's still young enough and dumb enough that she'd give…
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  • Obviously Giddy has called the game due to lack of rain.
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  • Luna likes cool breezy days.   It's actually a project where I'm trying to get six kids from the local…
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  • See you all in about two hours (at which point I promise to put up the dog blog).  I'm off…
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  • Albert's been having a gurgly belly of late. We think his teeth might be bothering him again because he doesn't…
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  • Sure, if by room service you mean someone pounding on your door to say crepes (the house breakfast specialty) are…
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  • Fortunately, it's a bigish crawl space.  And, I'm only running polypipe, so I won't be using a blow torch. Albert…
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  • Keep putting your change in a jar and you'll get here someday.  We have a guest bedroom and entertaining house…
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  • Today's predicted high is 17C.  Woohoo.  I might be able to go outside without a jacket. Actually, it's look like…
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  • Here's the temperature profile for Oatlands, which is about a half-an-hour drive north of us.  Remember our winter and summers…
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  • We only get snow at altitude.  Which means most Tasmanians have to drive up the mountains to see it up…
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