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    Candy is dandy but liquer is quicker. A six-pack of run-of-the-mill Australian bottled beer starts at $13, and I don't…
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  • Well, bookmark that page for when you get them fixed (or replaced). The audio is priceless.
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  • Waitress, and order of Lukshen Kugel and a side of angioplasty, please. Now I want pecans, damn you.
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  • While unadulterated beer has its virtues, I'm personally fond of the Belgin brews, like Kriek, which adds sour cherries to…
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  • The Daily Show: best inventions of the last ten years.
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  • And on that note: we're off to bed (in the very pitch black - or at least it wil be…
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  • Actually I hate it both ways.  My internal clock is very precise, and hates that it has to adjust to…
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  • Have I mentioned recently how much I hate Daylight Savings Time?  Not the consept, mind you, as it does save…
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  • We're going to have to sit down a figure it out soon, so that we can get our bus/train pass…
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  • Morning Andi. After your trip away last week, surely you're getting some time off this week.  Right?  It's a good…
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  • Albert is the King of Cozy, but he generally prefers his cozy spaces to be dog free.
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  • Luna is about twenty times bigger than Albert.  Albert makes up for that by having mcuh more attitude than Luna.
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  • Maybe just a smidge too cozy for Albert's liking. This is Luna's "see, I'm being good and not hassling the…
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  • Yes, it's a turvey topsy world.  While you in the north are moving into summer, we in the south are…
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  • I'm happy to contibute my small effort to the cause greater hilarity.
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  • And yet, they are nowhere near as magnificent in a photo as they are in real life.  It is hard…
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  • LOL.  Ah, senility.   One of my favorite saying is: "Of all the things Ive lost, I miss my mind…
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  • Yes, that would be. <rollseyes>
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  • Just to the east of Hobart is Mt. Wellington (shrouded in clouds).
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  • It's really hard not to take my camera everywhere I go.  It seems like everytime I leave it home I…
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