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    I have 60F inside the house.  If only we could split the difference. Drink lots of margaritas!
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  • Remind me again, why isn't the frat-rat in jail? Well done.
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  • Luna is the most patient and long suffering dog on the planet.  And there's not a day that goes by…
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  • The ground crew was launching themselves off a board yesterday.  Unfortunately, young Cacciatore got into the yard with Luna and…
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  • The ground crew appear a to be bit skeptical of the project ever getting airborne.
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  • We're experiencing a bit of interference with the tracking device.  Huston, please stand by while we attempt a kibble maneuver.
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  • No problemo.  I'll hook up the singularity parabola.  I've been tinkering on it for about a week now.  If all…
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  • It's the morning after the longest night of the year down here.  At 8am the sun has yet to clear…
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  • The alpaca parade at the Hobart Show (the equivalent of a State Fair, which for some reason are held in…
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  • Yeah, there's lots of charging about here as well - but as you say, it's hard to photograph.
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  • Ah, the fascination of the squirrel.  It never gets old (if you're a dog). We don't have a similar critter…
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  • Eating is always followed by playing, followed by sleeping, which is usually followed by eating.   You'll notice that when…
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  • The Green, the Green, it burns. The top one has especially fine lighting and Bebo strikes quite the pose.
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  • Above: last night. Below: tonight.
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  • Got lots of this as well. The sun is setting, and it's 4:30pm.  Winter solstice is only two days away.…
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  • That is indeed The Monster Puppy. She's about half Luna's size - and she's not yet a full five-months-old (which…
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  • We thought we were giving the dogs our old futon for a bed.  Turns out it's actually a wrestling mat.
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  • Smile! Off to dodge swine flu in Victoria for two days.
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  • Still overcast, but less rainy today.
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  • I'd give doggy galoshes, raincoats, etc. (which you can actually get in some pet stores) about thirty seconds before they…
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