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    Been there, done that, and bought the t-shirt (and wore it 'til it fell off).
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  • Actually they are, real travelers that is. But only when the food runs out.  Otherwise they tend to stay put.…
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  • How secret? 😉 I just sent him $25 dollars through the "Donate" button up top.  Here's hoping I did everything…
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  • I added a PayPal "Donate" button to diary post (which is linked to the email account you listed).  I'll send…
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  • There's good money in that photo. Jim might fit the bill - at a distance in very low light. 😉
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  • 😀 (You know, and it's probably sacrilegious for a newly minted Australian to admit to this, I've never seen "Skippy".)
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  • Actually, in re-reading that section you can receive only five credit card funded payments in a year, but you can…
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  • Police in New York state are on the alert for a missing kangaroo which has been on the run for…
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  • Has he moved out?  Because I hear that makes a difference in children's levels of appreciation.
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  • Colin, check out this page at PayPay, especially section 8. As I understand it, you can only receive 5 payments…
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  • Actually, a lot of the molester-priests were shipped off to Australia.  And not surprisingly we have a similar history of…
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  • I'm told that when I was about two years old I ate an entire bottle of my mother's thyroid pills.…
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  • Interesting.  Anyway, I glad to hear that you're feeling much better.
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  • Hey SN, why don't you think about setting up a PayPal account to help you defray some of the expenses.…
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  • At least this park, which is aimed at families with small children, keeps their emus penned.  The head shot above…
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  • LOL
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  • Maybe Wench can get us a Kangaroo photo.
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  • And they are none-too-gentle with it, even when being offered pelleted food on an open palm. Our niece had a…
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  • They are definitely not a woodlands creature, or a North American one for that mater.   Although South America has…
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  • I'm so sorry to hear that SN.  It's not a decision you and your family should have to face.  I…
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