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    Ludlow Massacre.  Not black.  Not male.  Two dozen women and children were killed.  UMWA strikes and armed resistance after that.…
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  • No evidence released that Wilson was responding to a call when he encountered Brown and Johnson.  Many plausible and legitimate…
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  • Doubt anyone considered that a line item veto could be used in this way -- but sleazy and/or threatened politicians…
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  • Lots of questions and I don't have any answers that could be taken as factual.  However, piecing together from what…
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  • Of course not.  But, from the macro-long-term perspective, the "lesser evil" standard we use to choose elected officials may only…
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  • While somewhat understandable, the bar for the "panicked cop defense" seems to me to be too low in this country.…
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  • Why am I not surprised that the results of a private autopsy on Michael Brown's body fail to corroborate the…
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  • Would like to agree with you -- but Rand wants to change that family cottage industry to include operating out…
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  • She did lose her first Senate election in 2002, but I don't want to dismiss her electoral successes as either…
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  • Sorry -- should have used a different case to present that hypothetical wrt a helmet camera.  I apologize for my…
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  • When did Kerry pull out of NH in 2003? -- officially very active It was more complicated than you've suggested…
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  • Zsa Zsa Huff married a gay man (well, he was wealthy; so the alimony was good and plenty) and was…
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  • He's also devoid of charisma.  Reagan could sell the trickle-down, voodoo economic nonsense, but Ryan's repackaging of it is duller…
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  • Technically, Dean was in trouble two months before the caucuses.  His retail ground game was much too slow to organize…
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  • How many bloggers in 2003 buried John Kerry. And his general election campaign was as scintillating and dynamic as his…
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  • So much for the primary electoral reforms after Chicago 1968.  Of course, technically they were killed in 1972 by DEM…
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  • Update This message is NOT TRUE: CAM video shows date 2014-08-09 time 11:53:03 ... Who could have predicted that?  Oh,…
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  • Seriously?  This has the form of most false or highly embellished story concocted to exonerated oneself or charge someone else…
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  • Yes, he wouldn't want to jeopardize his Social Security and Medicare regardless of how poor the neo-liberal/neo-con agenda leaves those…
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  • My hypothetical was nothing but an illustration of how a tech "solution" could lead to a more unjust outcome.  At…
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