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    Yes: So we get the inevitable references to the Khmer Rouge or the Nazi's or some other notorious group.  …
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  • With the end of active U.S. ground participation in Vietnam, December 1972 saw the last men conscripted, who were born…
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  • Neo-liberal Democrats have little to offer the economically disadvantaged that are culturally conservative.  
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  • It was a wonderful day.  It was also a time when people didn't discuss politics with co-workers and neighbors, and…
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  • Going back fifty, sixty years ago: Democrats that had a progressive economic message and a more conservative social issues were…
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  • Does Warren really say anything different from the President? Yes she does.  She goes after both the rigged system and…
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  • Most of those 63% of Republican believers are in defiance of their own experience. Once said to a co-worker, as…
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  • Cynic (cynical, cynicism) is an odd word. For example, the infamous Enron energy traders that boasted of ripping off Granny…
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  • Kiev turns off hot water amid fears of winter gas shortage Kiev has turned off hot water throughout the city…
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  • Your response isn't all that intelligible. A political party that has nothing to offer the vast majority and nevertheless can…
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  • CO2 emissions: South Korea 11.49 metric tons/capita North Korea 2.92 metric tons/capita US 17.56 metric tons/capita Might be too early…
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  • Yes, ISIS is there to take out Assad, Hezbollah, and Maliki.  The last because Bush/Cheney screwed up by not replacing…
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  • Were you paying attention 1995-2000?  The Taliban beheadings and what they did to women?  Radical feminists in this country were…
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  • Unclear how anyone couldn't see Hillary Clinton as a legacy candidate.  That's exactly what GHWB and GWB were.   Business…
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  • Wasn't so good when taken over by Germany/Prussia either.  Poland was death camp central for the Nazis.  Only ten percent…
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  • The Vineyard of the Saker.
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  • Can anyone make any sense what the White House is thinking? It only looks erratic and disjointed in reacting/responding to…
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  • Based on recent memoir sales, HRC is barely beating Bob Gates and Ben Carson.  She has a long way to…
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  • And as POTUS with an economy crumbling around her, she'll make pronouncements as clueless as she did when protests in…
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  • I'm for Secretary Clinton for a lot of reasons, ... Care to recite those reasons? More neo-liberal economic policies and…
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