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    I don't think this is true: See, the thing is, we have looked at your (the royal Your) interpretation of…
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  • Osteoporosis is significantly increased for women as they age if as teens they consume high levels of soft drinks and…
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  • Fair Sentencing Act Fairer but hardly fair considering that the minimum sentence for crack cocaine compared to powder cocaine was…
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  • Already stipulated that it has been a lifesaver for many.  If they consider that a miracle, fine, but it doesn't…
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  • Obama did try to change the agreement to extend the deployment of US troops in Iraq.  From that I conclude…
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  • No discussion is ever facilitated when my position is dismissed as deep cynicism.  It's just permission for those holding a…
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  • I could challenge the implicit assertion of almost all o these claims, but will limit myself to one: Ended the…
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  • I don't get the deep cynicism on the left. And I don't get why reality is labeled "deep cynicism" by…
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  • COBRA and DADT were tiny steps.  The problem with "tiny steps" is that they retain the systemic flaws that create…
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  • On the increasingly necessary and illegal trade in abortifacients -- from Erica Hellerstein at "The Atlantic" --  The Rise of…
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  • With refinement, it could become a long-running hit.  There was the disastrous and jaw-droppingly nutso "Who Wants to Marry a…
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  • Clinton and Warren.
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  • The Hobby Lobby, etc. case wasn't perfect for the purposes of the decision that Alito et. al wanted to issue.…
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  • Add this one to the list: Rand Paul statement "Today, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of religious freedom by…
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  • He seems decent enough, but so far not getting a clarity, passion, and commitment to more than decency, and that's…
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  • It's "Team Clinton" -- been there, done that, and should have gone away in 2000.   As the two major…
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  • SCOTUS won't get the last word on contraception this year.  Women are more pissed about this than they were over…
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  • Who knows?  At this point on paper those in their ranks are indistinguishable from any other agency career hire.  Long-term…
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  • Probably with the invention of religion.
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  • Excellent article by your brother.  Straightforward, easy to read, and factually sound.  Made some of those points in my diary…
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