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    Not as raw as what I said. But maybe it was returning a few hours later to discover all the…
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  • It's precisely those with the so-called skills and expertise that are alleged to be in short supply that are currently…
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  • It was the substantial presence of the "Obama walks on water" folks at dKos that after many attempts, finally succeeded…
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  • Such a terrific performance.  And definitely a contemporary reflection of its time, 1977.  MS. magazine premiered in 1972, ERA passed…
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  • How the worm turns: Right-wing conspiracy theorist Frank Gaffney asked Gohmert on Gaffney's radio show this week what he thought…
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  • Agree -- it would have been "too hot" for a network to green light any earlier than 1971 and iirc…
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  • Even "bogus movements" have to tap into a wider pre-existing sentiment to get any traction.  But regardless of success or…
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  • There was a massive federal government propaganda campaign to get women to marry and quit their jobs and open those…
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  • Maher on pot worth listening to.
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  • The Citizens United decision opened the floodgates for corporate and wealthy individual election funding activities.  However, The NYTimes pointed out:…
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  • No change at US State Department: "We believe that Turkey's long-term stability, security and prosperity is best guaranteed by upholding…
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  • She was superb in a difficult role.  The less flashy and more subtle acting gigs are often the most challenging…
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  • Great! Just Great!  (And Shirley Jackson Lee no less, for shame.)  Do these people have any sense of what their…
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  • Not just in Turkey, but across Europe against austerity. German tanks protecting Deutsche Bank headquarters?  According to RT. wrt Turkey,…
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  • If the scandals are distracting anyone, it's the GOP rubes throughout the country.  And it would be easier to make…
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  • Tax competition seems to be working for Ireland as a recovery strategy, but it is hardly an option for the…
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  • Agree that the use of the term "illegals" should probably not be used.  It's become too established as a code-word…
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  • He also neglects to mention that the federal aid to families with dependent children in 1935 reduced hunger from a…
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  • The fact that anyone voted for Bachmann, Gohmert, Issa, etc. has already established that Barnum had it right.
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  • Demonstrating again the masterful data collection and analytical skills he employed to select his running mate.  But hey, if it's…
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