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    Ha, ha, ha. Won't be so funny if shorting those ATC funds for systems, equipment, and maintenance lead to an…
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  • Considering who would lead the charge along with the uncomfortable fact that 9/11 was a crime perpetrated not by the…
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  • This from Huffpo is more intriguing to me: In a second call, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva spoke with a man in the…
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  • So we're told.  As if the brothers were newly "off the boat."  Wouldn't the car that couldn't be linked to…
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  • Not ready or willing to go down the Alex Jones rabbit hole.
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  • Has the FBI changed its story that it closed the Tsarnaev file in mid 2011?  The CIA picked up the…
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  • Apparently the Turkey and Islamic expect Graham Fuller doesn't understand Gulan's reputation in Turkey either. See Oui's comments for more…
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  • Adds a whole additional element of complexity to it doesn't it?
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  • Tamerlan and his sisters emigrated a year or so after their parents and younger brother came to the US in…
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  • A question I had earlier and is more nagging now that Ruslan's residence in Maryland goes back to the 1990s…
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  • Have no idea how legit it is, but here's the link to piece abstracted from in that article. It presents…
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  • ...Tsarnaeva, a naturalized U.S. citizen ... Would question that.  Considering that Dzhakhor was naturalized on his own as an adult…
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  • Fake beard as well?
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  • Mykyta Panasenko Arrested.   A Jersey City, N.J. man was arrested at a Hoboken train station carrying two homemade bombs,…
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  • If "Misha" were posing as a radical convert to Islam, he could also have been posing as an Armenian.  
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  • From The Guardian The homeland security secretary, Janet Napolitano, acknowledged on Tuesday that the return of 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev into…
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  • He also covered the point I attempted to make a couple of days ago: These Are Not "Chechen Terrorists" Tamerlan…
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  • FBI & CIA claimed the tips from Russia happened in 2011.  FBI cleared Tamerlan months before he left for Russia…
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  • So now his visit to Dagestan was for five months during 2011-2012?  That conflicts with US reports that he was…
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  • ...just disconnected from any emotional responsibility for their actions. Plenty of politicians and Wall St figures in the public eye…
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