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    If correct: ...you'd need to change carbon pricing in Washington, and then use that victory to leverage similar shifts around…
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  • Not NCAA relateed, but does anyone know if Graham Spanier is a licensed marriage and family counselor? And what did…
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  • He retroactively withdraws those words and denies that it ever happened: Opening Ceremonies of the 2002 Winter Olympics, crediting the…
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  • As the human brain doesn't fully mature until age 25 or so, all psychotropic drugs and substances may be harmful…
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  • His apartment set-up timed to explode and divert emergency responders to his rampage at the theater suggests that he also…
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  • Those guys never do preemptive CYA just in case some lunatic acts on rightwing delusional talking points.  Hell, they don't…
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  • Sam Pizzagati points out how the revelation of these hidden trillions of dollars of wealth explains the wealth gap paradox.…
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  • And who won in 2010?  Not that my question isn't as imprecise and undefined as your assertion about 2010 polls.…
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  • TarheelDem said.  As of 6/30/12, Romney had a slight advantage among big money (>$2,000) donors.  $84 million to $60 million.…
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  • Have been hearing this argument since 2002.  So far, there hasn't been a large disconnect between pre-election polls and election…
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  • As McCain lost FL in 2008, Romney would have to improve upon McCain's performance among that demographic.  Have difficulty buying…
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  • The story seems more complicated than that to me.  Mitt is mostly second-tier among the political/economic elite except for those…
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  • Old people could relate better to the old Vietnam War POW guy than the not so old looking guy that…
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  • Through 6/30/12 outside PAC spending identified as candidate specific for Obama was $15 million and for Romney $55 million.  So,…
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  • My "read" was similar: If the fix is in for Obama...and I really believe that it is... The political/economic elite…
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  • The consumers love fluff.  And like addicts for anything not healthful, they can't seem to get enough of the stuff.
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  • Totally frustrates me that Democrats refuse to see this: Yes, that's right--Republican Romney and Democrat Rahm are like two peas…
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  • Could be anyone or all of the following-- Physical: A yet to be diagnosed brain lesion in a critical region.…
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  • Definitely part of the recent rightwing talking points ememo -- Chicago = Rahm = Obama.  Next week they'll add Oakland…
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  • Have to go with MNPundit on this one.  Loughner was more obviously unhinged -- more shunned than loner by desire,…
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