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    If FDR who actually did something positive for Midwest farmers couldn't cut through their traditional alliance with the GOP, rhetoric…
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  • Possible, may even be likely, but so was the murder of Shaima Alawadi in CA for a few months ago.…
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  • I suppose we shouldn't jump to conclusions before the facts become available.  But it doesn't hurt to remind others that…
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  • Gingrich is less likeable than Romney.  Plus he's not as pliable for those who would pull his strings.  However, he…
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  • Or their own power, real or perceived.  Happened in 1972 for the Democratic candidate who, unlike Mitt, had a political…
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  • Huntsman jumped into the 2012 ring to set himself up for 2016 or as VP for Pawlenty or Perry.  Not…
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  • Interesting question: ...are they wagering that if they set up an Obama landslide, it'll be the tea party that takes…
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  • There was no enthusiasm for Carter in 1976.  He didn't even represent one of the major power bases for Democrats…
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  • Excellent reminder.  It was really close: 48.9% to 47.7%.  Gotta love how GOP pols that barely squeak through an election…
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  • Considering that Gore lagged GWB from the earliest polls until the Democratic convention, not sure why anyone would be surprised…
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  • GWB didn't win in 2000.  What I learned from that year -- even if "the fix" Jeb! orchestrated was insufficient…
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  • What Romney needs most is what he won't choose: someone that upstages him.  Too bad because the image of Romney…
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  • Or "Senator, stop displaying your envy over my wealth."
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  • Tend to think that the MSM is more interested in sex and drugs than the general public. Seriously, do ordinary…
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  • If Romney had a slam-dunk, he wouldn't have allowed this to fester long enough for Reid to allege that he'd…
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  • NAFTA would have been a moment to rediscover the Democratic Party's New Deal, working class roots.  However, by then, the…
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  • It's consistent with Mitt's bullying style.  He reminds me more of the white guy "libertarians" than any other GOP demographic.…
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  • A dynamic analysis would be that the Democratic Party stopped fighting exclusively for white working class men.  Those men then…
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  • "Put up or shut up" is probably the best team Mitt can do to get him through the GOP convention…
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  • More like he has nowhere to go from here but down.  The open question isn't if he has a chance…
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