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    Begs two important considerations: Is it reasonable or even plausible that Gay would have knowledge of Mitt's tax returns?  …
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  • Could be a motive but a very weak one.  Institutions, both secular and religious, first protect and promote "their own."…
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  • Has anyone pointed out to Drum, GOP operatives/pundits, and Mitt's team that Kerry and McCain lost?  Will Ann Romney all…
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  • We can agree that Sherrod Brown is a solid liberal (so far) and could make a serious run for the…
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  • Those that liked the General had some half-backed, ill-informed, notion that he could be the DEM Ike.  They wouldn't even…
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  • Why not a Cuomo/Warner or Warner/Cuomo ticket?  Like a kinder/gentler version of a Romney/Ryan ticket. Then there's Rahm and the…
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  • Shiny four stars has found a new career hosting the latest disgusting unreality show.  His credentials for that job far…
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  • Apparently that raising money from investors was good enough for celebrity photo pretending that they had earned income and could…
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  • While the crooked activities of banksters and failure of regulators were the principal drivers in blowing up the US economy,…
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  • So was his daddy going to run many moons ago.  And since when did a desire to run for POTUS…
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  • Mortgage loan origination fees is what fueled growth and profits for WAMU, Countrywide, Wells, etc. a few years ago.  The…
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  • The crazies squandered all their time waiting for Sarah and forgot the lessons of 2010.  The moneyed masters forgot the…
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  • In 2016, Biden will be 74 years old and Hillary will be 69.  If that's evidence of the deep bench…
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  • Last time they had a shiny new thing that female fundies identified with and white males wanted to fuck.  That…
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  • He did get a larger audience, more respect, and fewer laughs and face palms for repeating Orly Taitz' birther nonsense.…
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  • Half the GOP base has been freaking out every day since November 2008.  But the contagion has now spread to…
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  • Ah yes, the power of prayer strikes again.
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  • Okay -- the GOP freakout is now in full swing with: Mitt insults CA Coulter calls for no donations to…
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  • Yes, nothing like adding a closeted gay man to hate-gays party.
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  • Nukular, chootspah, and sheikh -- and that's from the educated wing of the GOP.
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