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    A good take on this from Mark Morford in Mitt Romney vs. Dead Potted Plant: It is not very easy…
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  • The key difference is that Mitt's ratio of earned income to total income is very low.  If that's the way…
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  • Harry Reid cut to the chase: "Prove it." To respond to his and Ann's latest attempts to deflect, obfuscate, mislead,…
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  • Missed that but saw Mitt channeling Tim Russert with his white board.  (Must have already worn our the etch-a-sketch.)
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  • Understandable why one wouldn't want to pay attention and listen to the crap that passes for political discourse in this…
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  • This is truly a stunning development.  So stunning that it should remove any doubts people have about the US game…
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  • Did you mean Hague? For a moment had visions of Al Haig running in and announcing that he was in…
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  • Nobody in this country is ...too busy trying to cope with this shitty economy to notice. If those in the…
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  • True: the UK is the most unequal in Europe.  And it's the existence of the NHS that minimizes the impact…
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  • Like two Pinocchio puppets on strings.  Only the truly deluded can't see the lies and puppet masters who are also…
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  • No, they are not all variations of single-payer at all; they are variations of universal health care.  They all perform…
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  • Lots of seniors in PA.  Before the reveal of the Romney/Ryan ticket is wasn't as easy to see why the…
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  • Yes, Canada regulates the price of prescription drugs.  But even with that, per capita out-of-pocket costs are almost double that…
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  • The crook and liar MO hasn't changed.  What has is how more much wealth the crooks and liars can amass…
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  • Adelson probably has the wait staff stripped searched before entering the work space.  He's truly an evil man and an…
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  • Also true.  But at some point it will bankrupt this empire just as it has all empires in the past.…
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  • Or maybe we should ask why only 20% of seniors have opted for Medicare Advantage.  Probably because while that privatization…
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  • Meanwhile, the most important lesson in this mess gets ignored: Medicare Advantage ... private insurance companies competing for seniors' business.…
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  • Yes, let's put them in the position of having to choose between half a loaf and none at all.
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  • Premiere episode not a rating winner nor a loser. Forbes reviewer liked it, but would fire the "stars."
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