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    In spirit not much difference between their fantasy version of those two periods.  But in the USA, it might be…
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  • Might have a few extra steps in there.  You ARE KKR or Bain or Carlyle.  You identify the target and…
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  • How did that strategy work for Kerry wrt to the Swiftboat lies?  Sorry -- the GOP SuperPacs are going to…
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  • Am thinking that the Democrats should do a pre-recorded "setting the record straight" for each of the GOP speakers interspersed…
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  • Doubling down because GWB told them that it works sometimes.
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  • Obama sux, Biden sux, Pelosi and Wasserman-Schultz suck.  Obama crashed the US economy and Condi claimed something wrt 9/11.  Oh,…
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  • Some would prefer the mid-19th Century, but the later date removes the pesky religious abolitionists from the equation; so, am…
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  • What gets minimized is that the LBO guys have relationships with money guys that the management of the target company…
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  • Oops-- did I ever misspeak.  Yes, they're selling that it's the socialist-fascist-communist-anti-imperilist Kenyan-castro-chavez-muslim in the WH.  (They would use Stalin…
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  • Distills thirty years of US economic financialization down to a few pages and puts Bain in its correct position, a…
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  • What you may be missing is that by current conventional standards for a women over the age of forty, Ann…
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  • Maybe the real problem is that they've already won all the politically and legislatively easy stuff in rolling back the…
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  • Come on -- You just know what everybody at the GOP hate-fest really wants to hear and say: "Get the…
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  • When their convention example of a successful entrepreneur is a woman that has milked every possible government program for small…
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  • Considered writing a diary last week with that title.  You're correct that allows them to live with a false sense…
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  • They're just following in the tradition of Chinese women that performed foot-binding on their daughters, women that mutilate the genitals…
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  • You got this right: Todd Akins did not cross any line, he's toeing the damn party line.   Way back…
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  • She's like Barbara Bush with better personal care professional help and more religion.  Should play well with the Osmond Family…
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  • If the prevalence of yard signs were a measure of election outcomes, Ron Paul would be the GOP nominee.
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  • At this point, the different factions are jockeying to determine which faction gets blamed for the loss.  Suspect the crazies…
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