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    They're not going for "an entire election cycle" but an entire century.  Translating some of the terms that evoke strong…
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  • The 1992 GOP convention stage had the look and feel of a Third Reich rally stage.  At least the 2012…
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  • A long time ago, people responded to lying, crooked, and unqualified candidates by saying they wouldn't vote for them for…
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  • A much under-appreciated component of elections.  Not sure why when the Asch studies on conformity -- or going along with…
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  • But of course.  
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  • Thanks.  But still not seeing it from that angle.  Not that the alternative has much there there either.
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  • Defeating the GOP Senate candidate in Connecticut would be a worthy effort.
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  • From Truman's 1948 Convention acceptance speech The situation in 1932 was due to the policies of the Republican Party control…
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  • 36 million to 30 million for Mitt.  Probably a significant number watched both speeches.   WRT the question, Mitt doesn't…
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  • You're assuming that Rmoney was the analyst on the winning deals.  It's entirely possible that he was the Bain Capital…
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  • Curious, but what dots are you connecting? Could be a carjacking that went wrong.  Or a family in a car…
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  • Managed with no effort on my part to miss all Eastwood movies until "Unforgiven."  A well-made movie from a first…
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  • Facts tend to inform my assessments and Congress is as important as the WH.
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  • Eastwood explaining and grading his performance, "President Obama is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people," Eastwood told…
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  • If only the choirs showed up to watch/listen/cheer, they won't be important.  
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  • Obama got himself elected without any help from Clinton.  --sigh-- but Democrats/liberals just don't get that Clinton has negative coattails…
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  • What they really wanted out of this election cycle was  the Senate.  Obama (like Bill Clinton before him from whom…
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  • Less will be spent as the money will flow to those less expensive media markets to secure the GOP hold…
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  • Might explain why there's so much TV MSM hand-wringing.  They were counting on a few extra hundred million bucks flowing…
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  • "...he's on our side?" True only for those that accept the redefinition of what liberalism and the Democratic Party stand…
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