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    Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.  Shouldn't have worked for GWB, but when TV pundits like Chris Matthews were…
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  • Imitating old man Eastwood yelling at an empty chair?  Because it was such a hit? Time for Mitt to suspend…
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  • --sigh--  Just had to open his trap and stick his flip-flops in it instead of sticking to the four point…
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  • How do you think a cheesy movie denigrating Jesus Christ would fare in the US?  Oh hell, suggest that maybe…
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  • There's also this: Why did the FBI never list Osama bin Laden as being wanted for 9/11? Actually, we know…
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  • Production/documentation date = release date?  Since when? It's not even clear that OBL took credit for the attacks after the…
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  • American killed as gunmen attack Libyan consulate... Guess it's a privilege to live in a time and place where religious…
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  • Less said the better: Tax cuts are like pruning a rose bush.  Will make the economy strong and the right…
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  • As a political hired gun, you'd know it's better to live to fight another campaign another day.  Plus the money…
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  • What a shame not one of those tapes pre-dated the events of 9/11.  With Muslim fundamentalists cheering the successful attacks…
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  • It was GWB in 2000 that said if elected he would finish what his daddy started in Iraq.  Don't need…
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  • When all or enough of the facts are in, it's no longer a mystery. A minor discussion at dKos over…
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  • Imagine how upset they'd be if all reporters returned to being consistent and honest fact-checkers that prevented blatant partisan lies…
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  • How sad that Ismail Mahmoud had nothing better to do with his time and energy than protest the alleged making…
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  • Hasn't a GOP political operative (Rove?) been hammering on the notion that millions of Bible-thumpers didn't vote last time? Unlike…
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  • Wouldn't mind if you continue.  Even have some tin foil handy if needed. I've always been incredulous that the 9/11…
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  • The attack on Pearl Harbor left the US more defenseless than 9/11 did.  A few hundred more died on 9/11…
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  • Further question: if Ashcroft was concerned that something was up, why was the info collected by FBI field agents stove-piped…
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  • Explains why Tenet was running around with "his hair on fire" that summer.  Begs the question of what did Ashcroft…
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  • For those that need a reminder of the Clinton legislative legacy, Robert Scheer continues to lay it out.  This time…
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