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    Wasn't giving LBJ a pass.  McNamara left office as Sec of Defense on 2/29/68 (that was one month before LBJ…
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  • Then he showed how to begin to make peace with your former enemies -- as with the USSR and Cuba…
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  • I do believe in basic science. I believe in participating in space. I believe in analysis of new sources of…
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  • Beginning to think he's just the energizer-bunny stupid to GWB's kick-back-and-chill stupid.  What's sort of weird in this comparison is…
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  • Obama isn't "unashamedly from the left."  Half the time he speaks, he sounds more like, or even to the right…
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  • But it means that we don't have to overcome people's fears that we aren't tough-minded enough to be in the…
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  • The 1968 and 1976 electoral maps tell us that people prefer to vote for "one of their own" when given…
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  • Yay! -- back to 1960 and 1964 when JFK and LBJ beat Nixon and Goldwater on a militarily robust foreign…
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  • Have worked with and for too many MBAs that didn't grasp basic accounting and finance principles - that operated more…
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  • Demonstrating a basic business/finance/investing/taxation fail: Romney: It is a low rate. And one of the reasons why the capital gains…
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  • Meant almost a year before the general election, not several years before which is much too far out to do…
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  • That would be advice from a Republican. "Keep talking Mitt, Paul, and Ann" would be the suggestion from the opposition.…
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  • Pessimists tend to be more realistic and fact based than optimists.  That's why almost a year before the 2008 and…
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  • Can't say that I see it even now.  Too many decades of seeing the photo as part of the documentation…
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  • --sigh-- Afraid the GOP voters that depend on Medicare and/or Medicaid are as deaf as the Log Cabin Republicans.  They…
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  • As if anyone wouldn't smell a very stinky rat by team-Mitt suddenly offering a twenty-year income tax rate summary.  Too…
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  • On balance, each seemed to hold their own in the debate.  She more on content and campaign theme and he…
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  • IMHO, it was the evangelicals that marginalized the so-called GOP moderates.  They were a new voting population added in 1980,…
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  • Problem is that Newt is at least as insufferable and unlikeable as Mitt.  And his schtick once the primaries got…
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  • George Romney got his start as an industry lobbyist in DC for Alcoa.  And likely continued lobbying when he was…
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