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    Was really recommending the whole article -- and often try to select snippets that don't lessen the surprise, thoughtfulness, and…
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  • Agree with Taibbi This Presidential Race Should Never Have Been This Close. ... The point is, Mitt Romney's natural constituency…
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  • A very worthy read on this issue at dKos by otherwise - Scott Brown's Tomahawk Strategy. There is a bit…
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  • Must be from the Cardinal Spellman wing of the US RCC.  If Spellman and his good buddies Joe McCarthy, Richard…
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  • They prefer the role of cheering for the winning team and manufacturing outrage against the whiny losers to being the…
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  • For a more comprehensive summary on this issue, see praenomen's diary -- They're out of feed, they're out of pasture,…
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  • For a pessimist, wildly optimistic fantasies aren't beyond me.  However, 39% is but a tad on the wildly optimistic side.…
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  • This one doesn't look like an appeasement move by Reid to me and that is a change from what I've…
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  • MA voters only have to demonstrate that they are as smart as RI voters were in 2006 when they ousted…
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  • Have a sense that this time Reid is not setting the table for the DEMs to fold.  And don't expect…
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  • The GOP moneybags got a bit too smart and greedy this time around.  They could have gotten a lot more…
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  • "Sequestration" is what those on the left should want?   A huge problem in this country is that neither political…
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  • Didn't want her in 2008 and definitely don't want a sixty-nine year old Hillary moving back into the WH in…
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  • Swinging back hard risks getting embroiled in what looks like a pissing contest and that can easily backfire and that…
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  • Well, as reduced corn crops leads to fewer pork chops, we won't need as much a applesauce on the side.…
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  • All true -- but corn isn't the only major cash crop that is vulnerable to drought and soil depletion.  However,…
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  • Attytood at dKos totally nails this in Shocked by the NFL ref fiasco?  Where've you been the last 30 years?…
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  • Like McCain/Palin using Bill Ayers against Obama.  Didn't work but gave them something to say.
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  • Not sure.  More voters liked her.  And she didn't know enough to spout off on as much stupid stuff as…
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  • Gulf of Tonkin incident 8/2/64 Gulf of Tonkin resolution 8/7/64.   So, starting a war based on a lie in…
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