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    This guy couldn't run a corporation that actually makes things or delivers services that people want or need if his…
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  • Might be a larger problem than just primary campaign funds:  From the NYT Romney Campaign Cautious With Ad Budget ...…
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  • 07 doesn't look much better.  But maps of Philly suburbs aren't exactly all that useful.  
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  • Oops -- missed the tiny print notation.  Although it still llooks gerrymandered and the old map remains up on Gerlach's…
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  • A map of the 6th district almost looks like a joke.   Lived there and voted for Dan Wofford in…
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  • Suppose it's good not to make unduly alarmist projections as that just rile up the knuckle-draggers and those making lots…
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  • If one were to liken the amoral/corporatist/warmongering Newt to an historical populist, wouldn't Strom Thurmond or George Wallace be a…
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  • Doesn't really matter if it's 2016 or 2024.  The point is that the positive feedback loop is in place and…
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  • Democrats gained two Senate seats in 1972 and while losing eleven House seats, retained the majority.  Mitt was always going…
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  • Would have happened four years ago if Democrats hadn't gotten all bi-partisany.  Perhaps they've learned a lesson about vampires.  
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  • They may have given themselves a new name but that GOP base has existed for as long as I can…
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  • Christian Dem in NC has a diary up about Nassralla talking (at AtlasShrugged which I prefer not to link to).…
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  • Were the attendees those that actually plunked down their $50,000 investment in "tax cuts for the rich?"  Having to listen…
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  • Must have given his hairdresser the night off before his handlers put him in front of the cameras.  All that…
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  • Seems strange that this story would die before much has been learned.  Guess Nakoula did his job well.
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  • Thought that "it's 2012 and not 2000" was an adequate reminder for politically savvy readers wrt what has happened to…
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  • Been delusional since 1980, but more seem to be noticing that it's crazy this time around.
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  • His two primary problems are that he's not GWB and it's 2012 and not 2000. Knitting together the GOP base…
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  • ...a guy who was smart enough to earn an MBA and law degree from Harvard simultaneously. You do appreciate that…
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  • Any insight into how images of the rather nice house on the rather nice street occupied by the Egyptian ex-pat,…
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