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    Where you're "11-dimensional chess" analysis of Obama's debate strategy falls apart is that it would have been a high-wire act…
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  • Other than not being as effective at spewing the lies as Reagan and GWB were, Mitt's doing just fine.  It's…
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  • The master then and still.  As a third-party candidate today, he could probably win.  For two simple reasons, he was…
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  • That brief tete-a-tete with Uncle Lou happened one evening on my last visit with my mother's remaining relatives in 2000.…
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  • To be fair, toddlers are just part of the 47% that will never vote for Mitt, and therefore, aren't entitled…
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  • Me too.  I was so disappointed that Uncle Lou chose not to tell me his story.  Many undoubtedly went on…
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  • Belief that the world is only a few thousand years old seems to be an article of faith among the…
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  • Somewhere in Georgia, a majority of voters will again endorse the conspiracy ravings of one Dr. Paul Broun ... "All…
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  • While I find Romney a loathsome creature and would gag every time an image of Mitt and Ann living in…
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  • His wife died five years ago.  Not that the death of a spouse one week ago or five years ago…
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  • He's nothing but a two-bit, snake oil salesman in a two-piece suit.  The reality is that he's exactly what business…
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  • First, government isn't a business regardless of how often Republicans and DLC Democrats assert that it is. Second, GAAP frequently…
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  • Not getting why so many advocate this "solution" in search of a problem.  The revenue problem at the federal level…
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  • And you've articulated why the GOP anti-tax position has been so popular with individuals at all levels of the income…
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  • The "payroll tax holiday" didn't apply to your employer tax liability.  There were valid reasons not to use a progressive…
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  • And that's why Lieberman lost in his debate with Cheney.
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  • In simple terms, anti-New Deal economic policies.  It's what drove Obama last night to assert that Social Security needs to…
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  • Worrisome and very troubling.  What's curious is that Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan deftly managed not to get dragged into GWB's…
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  • ...Romney pretending to be a moderate.. Ted Kennedy had no trouble handing moderate Mitt his lunch.  And would have been…
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  • Nice for Hillary Clinton that she gets high marks for the lies she and her team spew these days instead…
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