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    mea culpa -- and thanks for pointing out that the tip didn't register.  Will add a couple more to make…
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  • With all his money and a lifetime planning his campaign, would have thought he would have hired better writers.  It's…
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  • You're correct -- China's economic managers have been making some very large and high risk bets.  Recapitulating 150 years of…
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  • You weren't the only one on this thread that suggested her.  It's been addressed and dealt with as frequently and…
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  • Not allowed here to claim or even suggest that Obama fibs.  The right can't call him out on those and…
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  • Yet more evidence that Faux and cable are worse for international news than nothing.  Believe they're predicating that Chavez is…
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  • Would have expected that you knew (or at least checked before posting) that Granholm is ineligible for POTUS.  Both political…
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  • Joe Lieberman was the "clear favorite" for 2004 and it was Bill Clinton that went around touting Hillary and Wesley…
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  • Conversation yes -- which is why I tipped your prior comment before responding which shows more respect than you've accorded…
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  • Good.  Except you might have this backwards: either we'll have peace and prosperity or external events (e.g. a huge recession…
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  • Arthur, in the long run you are probably right, but the timing of when things unfold is not so easy…
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  • Intended to be harsh -- this site shouldn't be treated as Politics 101 for Dummies.  You suggested Granholm for POTUS…
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  • Schweitzer has said repeatedly that he doesn't want to be POTUS.  And really we have to stop looking to provincial…
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  • Based on:So, I will say that her service in the Obama administration has, on a purely affective level, changed my…
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  • Difficult to take seriously any political commentators/speculators that suggest politicians that would be ineligible to hold an office.
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  • NO-NO-NO!   Enough already with the Clintons and Bushes.  Or we could save all ourselves the time, energy, money, and…
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  • OBL as the boogieman worked well to GWB's benefit.  The tape released 10/04 might be the only real October surprise…
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  • Are you seriously this historically ill-informed? By most measures, he's the most progressive president we have ever had. Teddy Roosevelt…
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  • First of all, there was no "health care reform."  In private consultation with hospitals and health insurance companies, a deal…
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  • Huh? I don't think the plan was well-designed for the forum. Because a single moderator and two candidates at podiums…
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