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    Looked as if Lieberman and Edwards managed Obama's debate prep.  Or maybe they used Biden's debate prep book.    
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  • Mitt keeps acting as if he's been running the state like forever and not for a single four year term…
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  • If that's it, they should have gone with Rick "Goodhair" Perry.  Not contest between Rick and Mitt on that personal…
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  • After all the grief the pundits and GOP gave Gore for not carrying his home state of TN don't ever…
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  • Guess you missed 1995-2000.  Or you're down with NAFTA, low capital gains taxes, energy dereg, telecom dereg, Gramm-Leach-Bliley, commodity futures…
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  • "After the election" when all these important and necessary debates were to take place didn't happen four years ago.  We…
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  • Agree wrt FL 2000.  The polls and VNS had it right.  Disagree on 2002 -- I followed those statewide polls…
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  • Finally, a very thoughtful comment on this exceedingly depressing thread. Except for this seems unduly harsh -- considering the cultural/religious/sociological/economic…
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  • Sssh -- money from Blackrock and the Peter G Peterson Fund only does evil when it is sent to "conservative"…
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  • Yeah, sure, because the guy hasn't embarrassed himself enough already give him a collection of stale, recycled, and tongue-twisting zingers…
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  • Yeah, sure, because the guy hasn't embarrassed himself enough already give him a collection of stale, recycled, and tongue-twisting zingers…
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  • I'd say it was the best.  
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  • billmon is back and is as good as ever: Skewed Polls and the Power of Magical Thinking" FWIW - billmon…
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  • So we agree?  A majority is easily achieved by the wealthy/power/elite through various forms of manipulation and emotional blackmail.  Until…
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  • We're talking about people that can't forget that Clinton diddled Monica and Kerry went windsurfing; so, they don't have short…
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  • Should have labeled the display of the Confederate Flag as treason when we had the opportunity to do so.  And…
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  • You have the question backwards.  Whatever the default position is, the alternative has to be demonstrably much better even to…
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  • How the hell did this SOB gain 15+% in approval ratings since he left office?  It's not as if he's…
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  • In the alternate universe this is an outrage: ...not counting Saturdays and Sundays, she spent 42 days on vacation --…
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  • If racism, sexism, religion and personal, private adult behaviors were left out of political discourse, how would that 50/50 split…
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