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    Seemed to me to be the "dog that didn't bark" in this round of outrage protests and riots.  Don't know…
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  • Google is your friend -- unless ... Or you could file a complaint with the Museum of Broadcast Journalism for…
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  • That fake Dean scream promulgated by the MSM still infuriates me.  Meanwhile they spent the better part of a decade…
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  • Yes and no.  If viewers formed their own opinions and didn't listen to the pundits and spinmiesters, the joint press…
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  • Had I listened to the first debate on the radio, I would totally agree with you.  However, I viewed it…
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  • Isn't there always a cognitive reason or excuse and a different and older emotional reason?  Gulf War -- response to…
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  • My understanding that the US stands up to Muslims 24/7.  And has been doing so for eleven years now.  In…
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  • Difficult to construct an analogy.  In part because this country hasn't been subjected to decades of economic/political interference by a…
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  • Meanwhile -- at the Values Voter Summit in DC today, the crowd fell hook line and sinker for repentant Islamic…
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  • Interview with Jimmy Israel at the bottom of this article.  Yet another person like Klein, the actress, and Terry Jones…
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  • Saw that but the source is questionable.  Plus the name isn't unique.
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  • This story continues to get stranger. Nakoula Basseley Nakoula that some seem to think was the director/producer "Sam Bacile" would…
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  • Without that horrible make-up, his animation in that first debate wouldn't have been as easy to reduce to or characterize…
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  • Gore lost the visuals in the first debate.  From his horrible make-up that at best was distracting and at worst…
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  • It's like white guys whining about losing a fraction of the special privileges they have long felt entitled to. When…
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  • If you're in Wichita, KS a comparable salary in NYC would be $66,446.  (Perhaps the only adjusted comparison that would…
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  • Max Blumenthal provides a good run-down on what is currently known.  But do wonder if he can source the claim…
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  • Real median household income ... So, this is inaccurate: In this case, it means that in 2011 the exact same…
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  • As I postulated in one of the lost comments, Roberts is about as real as Bacile.  As reported at HuffPo:…
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  • Problem is that as of now Pakistan is to the US what the teabaggers/racists/fundies are to the GOP.  Over thirty…
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