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    Agree: ..any changes to Social Security don't need to be made for a decade or two and that increasing the…
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  • It would be a giant step forward in converting Social Security from an earned benefit program to a welfare program…
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  • Excellent comment and link. However, you too lapsed into endorsing a solution for a potential future problem: (and I think…
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  • Ryan is a man's idea of what a handsome man looks like.  Not a woman's.
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  • That question would be more in the area of personality psychology than social psychology.  Contrarians for no reason other than…
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  • How did this notion that "raise the cap on Social Security contributions" get such widespread acceptance on the left?  It…
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  • Here's the question: And I would like to ask you both to tell me what role your religion has played…
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  • Validity reference Asch Conformity Experiments.
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  • Your personal observations were validated sixty years ago by Solomon Asch's conformity experiments."
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  • Wasn't possible for him to challenge all the BS because Ryan was spewing too much of it.  But Biden effective…
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  • Give it twenty-four hours -- that's when the responses from women tend to crystallize.
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  • An "A" for Joe tonight.  Missed an "A+" by whiffing on Ryan's claim that Obama's stimulus didn't work -- the…
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  • Should play well with undecided voters because he was aggressive without being mean and came off as likeable - a…
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  • Have to disagree with him that Ryan was unprepared.  He was coached by a master, Ted Olson.  Would have worked…
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  • One element of Ryan's persona that Ted Olson couldn't spit shine for the debate -- in part because Olson is…
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  • That was a better description of his guy last week and he thought it was awesome.
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  • Ryan -- On Syria, etc. "we would use tougher language."  
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  • Ryan's anecdote about a friend from Janesville in Afghanistan very cheap and hollow.
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  • Ryan is going to get creamed in the post debate fact-checking.  Should be more brutal than what he was handed…
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  • Plus Biden is demonstrating his natural likeability.
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