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    Oh, yes even though Ryan is being effective at filibustering and Raddatz is letting him get away with it.  
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  • And a rock solid final response for the segment -- nobody does outrage with as much calm passion as Biden.
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  • Or two home runs since it connected in his first sentence -- "death panels, heard it from Palin; guess its…
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  • Ryan just set up a home run for Biden if he swings for it.
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  • Biden is having fun AND making his points clearly. And once again a Romney anecdote ends up favoring the opposition.
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  • Ryan has the power to read the minds of the "Ayatollahs" when he is totally clueless about American women.  What…
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  • Latest PPP report indicates that Warren is being effective in chipping away at Brown's moderate facade. Warren leads Scott Brown…
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  • Because apparently in a two person race and on a national basis 45% of voters would choose an incoherent, drooling,…
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  • Whatever possessed his campaign team to clear this anecdote for inclusion on the stump?  Or was it more of Ann…
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  • Venezuela nationalized its oil industry in 1976 -- just a few years before Chavez was elected.  
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  • No -- it's more politically advantageous to leave Iran around in the role of the boogieman that every GOP candidate…
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  • Yes -- saw it on full display in late 2002 and early 2003.  Lots of faux hand-wringing, but they supported…
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  • And most of the early contributors to dKos and HuffPo on this issue are claiming that either the election was…
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  • informative, and ultimately more devastating, critique of the US Presidential debates, recommend Carl Gibson's The Illegitimate Debates of 2012.  
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  • At least I refrained from personal attacks and name calling.          
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  • This began with a single critical comment from me -- call it nitpicking if you must but it didn't include…
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  • The government remains in flux or disarray depending on who is defining the situation.  Guess it's good that NATO troops…
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  • The last time any Republicans advocated "kinder and gentler" public policies, their lead advocate was Herbert Hoover.  Since then they've…
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  • But I don't agree with the tone and feel of your "we're all doomed unless you wake (expletive deleted) up…
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  • Other than the resident troll, I would hope that it wouldn't exclude anyone here.  Facts are now so quick and…
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