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    Have long considered that the impeachment of Bill Clinton could have been a GOP inoculation project.  Not among the wankers…
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  • 1964 v. 2012 - like comparing apples to oranges.   Different election cycle calendars.  Henry Cabot Lodge won the 1964…
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  • Romney snagged the Reagan part but he's doing it very badly.  Not that Reagan, Heston, Arnold or Eastwood had/have great…
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  • Rubio -- Americans are special because we put our trust in god and not the government.
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  • GOP has found its replacement for Charlton Heston.
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  • But his voice, neck, and brain are an elderly 82.
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  • Clint got a new face -- nipped, tucked, and botoxed twenty years off his 82 year old one.
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  • A parade on the stage of all the African-Americans and Latinos that will vote for Mitt in November.
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  • Selling Romney was awesome at Bain -- after two months of denying that he hadn't worked there for the past…
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  • Yes, he is.  And I have almost zero interest in sports.
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  • Some of us thought the WMD lies were so blatant that the press and all the Congressional Democrats would surely…
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  • Mostly it's their employers that demand "a horse race."  Otherwise they wouldn't rake in all those big political ad buys.…
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  • IMHO nobody is more attuned to racism and sexism in the US than Zirin.  And he's not about to let…
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  • As did Taibbi and KO.  Just wanted others to ponder that for a few minutes.
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  • Zirin does politics through sports reporting and the other three apply their skill developed during their time as sports reporters…
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  • Not strange for a position as a courtier to the rich and powerful.  Only strange if one hasn't noticed the…
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  • Neglected to also link to Pierce on Santorum ...He spent a while talking about his coal-miner grandfather -- "He came…
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  • Just another irrational and expensive "war" the US wages instead of buying all sorts of desirable goods and services that…
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  • Cillizza apparently lives in that alternate universe where Condi Rice was a hero on 9/11. OTOH, we have Charles P.…
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  • It's the business Mitt approved of, was engaged in and made a lot of money from.  However, suspect that his…
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