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    May be a big deal for the PE guys that likely would not have faced this scrutiny if they hadn't…
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  • One part of his vision was that the Pentagon was to be demobilized at the conclusion of WWII.  He understood…
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  • Part of Jeb's 2000 vote theft included sending out absentee voter helpers to retirement communities.  They really did have it…
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  • Would prefer to have suggested that partisan political campaigning stops when the voting begins.  However, in this country, there is…
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  • All that as well.  We couldn't do any worse than we do now if we simply limited campaigns to six…
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  • There is not right to have the candidate you like on the ballot. Don't you mean that individuals (with or…
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  • If significant numbers of liberal minorities voted by mail they'd outlaw it.  The only reason it's allowed today is that…
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  • Might want to do a bit of fact checking. I was several days after the convention when reports that Eagleton…
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  • The Mary Andrews Clark memorial residence was built to house single, working women a century ago.  So it was always…
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  • Don't forget this guy has spent four years honing his running for the POTUS skills.  Did Ann Romney home school…
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  • Privileged sociopaths don't develop their lying skill set as well as the unprivileged variety because they rarely get busted.  OTOH,…
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  • New works where presumably the artist is compensated for his labor or the resale market where the money just circulates…
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  • Oakey dokey -- Eastwood was like Cohen, the convention hall audience was like the bigots in the bar, and liberals…
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  • You underestimate Bruce's audiences -- they got it even if it made them uncomfortable. Nobody in the GOP convention hall…
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  • Laughed forty years ago when I first heard it and while stylistically somewhat dated, the point remains relevant.  (Harriet Beecher…
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  • Didn't say that he couldn't make me cringe -- but often makes me laugh as I cringe.   Stewart's obsession…
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  • George Carlin was funny.  Maher, Stewart, Colbert, while not in Carlin's league, are funny.  Poundstone and Sedaris make me laugh.…
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  • The Grand Odious Party has been singing most of the same tunes since 1964.  They added one in the mid-1970s…
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  • Some people are better at seeing things the way they are than the way they would like them to be.…
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  • Would never have worked if the party that passed Social Security and Medicare had never, not for one moment, let…
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