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    What's to like?  Seriously, he's exactly what the term "empty-suit" means.  He's not the first, nor sadly not likely to…
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  • Words, logic, reasoning are inadequate when the task is to confront blatant theft and greed and unbridled hated of minorities…
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  • Had we listened to Carlin in 2001, there would have been fewer banksters around to perpetrate their first 21st century…
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  • Another fine example of the stupid shit rich people do with their money.  Not that the endless wars that Americans…
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  • Good observations.  However, in real time, I cringed when Kerry referred to Mary Cheney in his answer to homosexuality.  Interjecting…
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  • If Biden does no better in his debate this year than he did in 2008, Ryan will do well.
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  • IOW your friends and their families are Republicans -- and not even bright enough to figure that out much less…
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  • Hope they get stuck by their trucks in the midst of their Scott Brown fantasies and have to call 911…
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  • Take it that their only relationship is with their trucks. No wives/girlfriends and/or daughters?  Or just women in their lives…
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  • 2006.  The anvils tossed to GOP Senate candidates that year weren't nearly as heavy or uniform as this one.  McCaskill…
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  • If the MO fundies see Akin losing, they just might stay home rather than voting for a Mormon.  
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  • Why would the voters in those other states hate women more than the voters in MO do?  Akin = Republican…
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  • Independents mostly hate not voting for the winner.  Otherwise they simply agree with stupid poll questions that they think conform…
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  • Like flogging suspected witches.  Those that don't drown are the "legitimate" witches.
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  • Because he forgot the rules of GOP "dog whistles." Or maybe after seeing Santorum get a pass on doing the…
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  • Didn't really need to know that it was another Congressional boondoggle -- hypocritical Republicans spending taxpayer money on themselves.  
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  • Who paid for the drunken skinny-dip in the Sea?  If it was on their own dime and not on assignment…
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  • Half a walk back since Ryan is on record with no exceptions for abortion.
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  • A wife or daughter would know better than to tell him about the rape and pregnancy.  That's why rightwing men…
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  • Guess they don't want to be left out of playing a role in sparking the next great war since the…
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