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    Yes, and let's also see Mitt's birth certificate because there's something fishy about that "miracle baby" story.
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  • Lincoln Chaffee was the last hold-out.  Based strictly on his Senate voting record during the GWB years, he was better…
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  • Ryan finished second in the 2012 GOP nomination sweeps?  Silly me, I didn't even know he'd been in the race.…
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  • But it will make for a funny cartoon: Ryan driving a wienermobile with Mitt tied on top -- and that's…
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  • When's the last time a VP loser won the nomination for the top slot four years later?  Took Dole twenty…
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  • What happened to it was exactly what those on the left have been claiming for decades would happen to it…
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  • Employing a decommissioned battleship to announce the GOP team with no-foreign policy creds should go down as one of the…
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  • Last time the GOP VP pick turned into a drag as her total lack of any substance became known.  This…
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  • Well said.  Plus, apparently team Romney wants Ryan without his budget plan.  Fitting considering that Romney wanted himself without anything…
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  • Nah, it was the "Weinermobile driver" cred.  Mitt needed a driver for his phony-bologna campaign that keeps getting stuck in…
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  • Charles Pierce beat us to the punch Ryan party. ... Paul Ryan is an authentically dangerous zealot. He does not…
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  • At the rate Mitt was imploding, it was possible that he couldn't get out of the convention as the nominee.…
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  • You forget that the opposition has had time to prepare a negative narrative against the possible GOP VP picks and…
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  • Stopped working after he secured the nomination.  Now it only makes him look like an out-of-touch, flip-flopping wimp and crook…
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  • Ryan is a great pick for downticket races.  The chance for Democrats to retake the House have suddenly improved.
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  • That's what the GOP elite hope they can salvage from the disaster of the Mitt nomination that they orchestrated. Didn't…
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  • For all her faults, Palin performed well on the campaign trail for the GOP crazies and kept them enthusiastic.  Ryan…
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  • Because plucking a US House Rep for a running mate has worked so awesomely in the past.  And Ryan has…
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  • Huntsman has already denied begin Reid's source.  Your argument for Gay as the source remains weak: First, he'd be calling…
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  • Aren't all wars primarily business at the top and for most all the way down the line to the bottom?
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