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    The movement conservatives took a lot of once-unpopular positions and stuck with them until they became popular. Actually, they aren't…
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  • Those white folks like Dr. Ben Cardin for POTUS.  And didn't balk at voting for Sen Tim Scott and soon…
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  • If I were Obama threatened with another government shutdown, I'd say, "Please proceed -- I could use a bounce in…
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  • This is what happens when decent people stay home on Election Day. Luckily, that didn't happen in 2012. Would Obama…
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  • Why would he?  He's really rich and thinks that's because he's smarter than everyone else and luck/timing had nothing to…
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  • iirc Tester was an organic farmer.  Closer to the white rural voter than white collar urban/suburban dwellers but might not…
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  • Biden voted "yea" on the predecessor 2000 version (that was before Carper was in the Senate).  Why would he have…
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  • Of minor significance:  All Hell Breaks Loose On Ted Cruz's FB Page As Conservatives Go On The Attack.  Those would…
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  • "Hey Nicky, we can't find any area of agreement on Berlin, Laos, and Cuba; so let's go to the moon…
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  • Nothing like a septuagenarian that was instrumental in getting the "Bankruptcy Protection ...Act" passed and supported the war on drugs,…
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  • Nixon wasn't all that interested in domestic policies.  Don't know anything about his flirtation with a "negative income tax" but…
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  • We were speaking of the time when NASA had approximately 40,000 in-house employees and another 350,000 were employed by contractors.…
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  • Yes, it didn't go unnoticed that it was the European Space Agency and not NASA.  We've got Curiosity on Mars.…
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  • It wasn't about science back then -- it was the Cold War, and we had to beat the "evil empire"…
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  • I know where the money goes.  Sheesh!  But you did neglect to include all the corporate contractors that do well…
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  • As a percentage of the federal budget, NASA doesn't spend that much.  (And most of the good side benefits to…
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  • I'm a little more interested in investing in life on earth today and how we preserve it going forward. Millions…
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  • We're not talking about "generous benefits" -- that's lower on the USA "to do list" than public funding of elections,…
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  • Doubt there are many workplaces that would work just fine with the kind of flexibility you have that haven't implemented…
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  • Never considered viewing it that way.  But childless people aren't anti-social.  We also pay taxes for and support schools that…
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