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    CNN too. Well, that was anti-climactic.
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  • You don't think John remembered to buy one himself?
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  • No Obama speech.  Apparently his story is that this is a non-event - and he's sticking to his story.  …
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  • watching Ron Paul beat Rudy every time has been what has made the republican race the most interesting.  Once Rudy…
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  • Awww the Huckster is on CNN ... I should have gone to the party.  I could be with him.  You…
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  • TPM is reporting that McCain and Rudy may have cut a deal for an endorsement.
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  • Josh Marshall calls it for Rudy: I think TPM Reader AF has it right. At this point, even with 35%…
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  • CNN points out that she's the only one in Florida and Obama and Edwards aren't there because they stuck with…
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  • Wonder if they have to give Obama equal time.   They gave her two concession speeches on Saturday - first…
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  • The CNN coverage tonight seems very ... unserious.     As a general matter not just about Hillary.
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  • CNN breaks away while the disorganized woman in green is babbling on.
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  • Floridians go for ... interesting... ties.   No solid blue or red or even stripes for them.
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  • What will be important is the media narrative on this speech.  They could simply point out that this means nothing.…
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  • What a surprise - CNN projects Hillary wins. 😉 Then totally discounts it as essentially meaningless.  That's a good narrative…
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  • I write the fine print. 😉 I'm rooting for Mittens.
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  • Old people like fiesty old people better than sleepy old people. That is an addendum to the first rule. Fred…
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  • McCain.   Because there are a lot of old people in Florida and old people like to vote and old…
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  • the Dem majority decides to be its own obstructionist opposition, It's a possibility.  A real possibility even with a landslide.…
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  • I hope everything you say could happen does happen.  I hope he changes our country for the better as much…
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  • I don't understand why you responded to me with this. I know what he said in 2003.  I don't doubt…
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