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    make the rounds among Democratic women over the next few days and make a big difference:
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  • You didn't put yourself in the list. Apparently you don't want to be on Mt. Rushmore. Look, you don't blog…
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  • What part did you miss about my very first sentence in my very first comment?  I support this effort. Not…
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  • I like that.  If I only "knew".   But isn't the whole point that I'm not supposed to know?  Isn't…
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  • thanks dada (and another reason I dislike the lauding of those bloggers is because like you I don't think the…
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  • 18 months.
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  • Then if it isn't going to happen we should be fighting for the best bill we can get. And that…
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  • Due respect, they don't have to pass anything.  If they pass nothing the August revisions expire and we go back…
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  • Not me - I see no difference between them and the people who voted for the FISA revision last August.…
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  • While I fully support Dodd's filibuster ... I wouldn't want any of those bloggers representing me in Congress.   The…
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  • I recommend everyone click through and read your post.  It is very informative in general, but especially right now during…
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  • Well, I did it.  But there are more issues in FISA than just telcom immmunity and if we succeed with…
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  • Just as Obama would strengthen Democrats down-ticket, Clinton could REALLY harm them. Why isn't this angle analyzed much? Hillary supporters…
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  • Ah, so Hillary stopped here because our media market hits southern Illinois.  That makes some sense.  Well, here's my take…
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  • If you cared about me you wouldn't have been gone all day.
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  • violation of law relating to e-mails deleted in his office (and pissed off whistle blower who has filed suit for…
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  • Everyone is.   Sarah Steelman, the Republican state treasurer had been considering running in the primary against him because his…
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  • oops, make that a second term.  His first term has only seemed like it's been eight years.
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  • Matt Blunt (governor of Missouri) just shocked the state (and apparently his own party) by announcing that he had achieved…
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  • Someone in my office said this morning:  "He demeans the office of the Presidency by doing this.  But what do…
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