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    Give me a break.  Of course it's technicalities.  The fact that campaigns are supposed to know (and do know) every…
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  • The media in this country is an embarrassment. And when the rational response to an electoral system is to opt…
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  • I'm waiting for someone to post video of that speech but I haven't seen any yet.
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  • Hillary is ahead if you count in superdelegates.  It's a fact. You might respond that superdelegates aren't committed. True. But…
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  • It's a fine line and differs if you are talking to the media/public or financial supporters.   With the media/public…
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  • I don't think it's a losing proposition for a campaign to occasionally mention facts.  You have to mention them in…
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  • I assume this is meant ONLY to point out deficiencies in the national media and is NOT meant as campaign…
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  • This election season has been very revealing about the blogosphere in general and about particular bloggers, imo. As far as…
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  • for saying the Obama people as though I know what they are saying in the blog comments.  On many blog…
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  • oh, I completely agree.  You get the news cycle as the winner - you're the winner.   I was clarifying…
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  • Well, if her strategy in coming here was to surround herself with black voters -- it failed miserably.  Everyone behind…
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  • I'm watching the local news.  The Clintons' "forum" was scheduled to start at 8:00 and she's 2 hours late.  She…
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  • Who on earth are all the people who voted for Thompson?
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  • You're probably right. We'll see what happens.  That area is racially diverse.  So there will be white people there.  Just…
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  • I just looked over at MyDD and there's an attempt at a clarification on the delegate issue.   The Obama…
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  • Just saw my first Super Tuesday TV commercial here (Missouri) during the local news.  Obama.  Health care.  And so it…
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  • kos is covering that over at Big Orange too.   What an election 🙂
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  • well, the home of mini-stonehenge at least 🙂
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  • I probably wasn't clear on my question.  I thought she was with a union and wondered if that would help…
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  • I don't think Fabooj is talking about weight, she's talking about down on the ground get out the vote efforts.…
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