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    I recommend earplugs.  Or an ipod.  Just don't let the nameless person hold it 🙂
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  • OK, but remember, it took me 13 years.   Of course it took me 8 years to get from undergrad…
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  • Actually I was telling Second Nature.   When is your BooDay?   The day you first delurked here at BT?
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  • I foresee liveblogging from the airport ...
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  • Katiebird figured out her BooDay and found the first welcome wagon she posted in -- and it was you who…
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  • The ground is so warm anyway ... I find it hard to believe it can last long.
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  • Same here. It was in the 70's today.  Not quite as warm as you, but we'll get more accumulation too.…
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  • Don't rush to finish it -- I won't be able to be around until later tonight, after 9:00 probably. I…
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  • The weather people here are in a complete melt down over this -- which is usually a sign that they're…
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  • I'm glad you have phone service back. But don't get to used to it -- big ice storm on the…
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  • He may have been in bed by the time you showed up. I clicked on the diary and realized that…
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  • night b2!
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  • You need to bookmark those pages so you don't have to find them again!   It's funny to go back…
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  • heh.  YOU'RE the one that said meeting me was an ... unusual pleasure.  link
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  • We both delurked in the same Welcome Wagon thread. If it was planned it was by a higher authority than…
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  • There should be an easier way to search by date. I think you probably DID jump right into the cafe.…
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  • wow.  I'm impressed that you know the date and time.
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  • g'night FM.  It's nice sharing a BooDay with you 🙂
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  • g'night.   Maybe YOU should write a BooBook.  A fictional BooBook.
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