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    you new yawkers ... 🙂
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  • Sorry it took so long to do this.  It took a while to coordinate all the photos.  Hope you enjoy.
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  • When we walked through on Saturday night they were setting up, they had the stage up and signs up -…
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  • See?  I'm bad at this younguns thing.   I don't even know the lingo.
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  • awwww.  She's a sweetie!
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  • She looks bewildered 🙂
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  • Nope.  Sometimes I dog sit and he's a lot of work. I can't even imagine how much work a kid…
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  • I've been missing it.  And now I have a dog 'nephew' to show off. Truman with Honky Football in his…
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  • thx d!
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  • moving the ones I want to photobucket was my first choice but I wasn't sure if that was the most…
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  • I have a flickr question.  I never use flickr but I was going to do a diary and post some…
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  • I don't understand why blogger/activists/whatever they call themselves NEED guidance from Obama on what they should be blogging/activisming/whatever with respect…
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  • fantASTIC, no plASTIC! How did you get the blue border around this?
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  • "You have four eyes" might have been my favorite.   Poor kid.  And the whole world is watching.  
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  • I was laughing out loud.   Is this real life?
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  • OMG that's hilarious.  They'll be blackmailing him for years with this 🙂
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  • Are you f'in kidding me? Why couldn't a career lawyer decide to influence world leaders over White House tea cups…
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  • You know what I hope? Let's say Obama gets re-elected in 2012.  I hope in 2014 Michelle gets a paying…
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  • No kidding.   The woman had been a partner in a law firm and they expected her to suddenly turn…
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  • As a working woman just starting out in a male dominated field, I liked what she said.  She was mocking…
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