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    But if we can improve the housing market, inject new capital into the banks, and raise the value of their…
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  • I saw, via Matt Yglesias a summary of Obama's answer to Terry Moran's question in which he discussed the Swedish…
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  • Hey, happy birthday.  Glad you showed up for your own party 🙂
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  • yes!  Happy Birthday!
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  • Thanks Knucklehead.  I enjoyed doing it.
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  • Ah the magic chihuahua invocation. 🙂 Hi NDD, thanks for the kind words.  It's really good to see you (virtually)…
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  • Thanks Lisa.  We couldn't possibly have been as cold as you were the night before on the Mall.  But it…
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  • woo hoo! Helen is getting old.  I'm glad she's around for this though.  
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  • Sports questions?  What a waste of a question. At least they've moved on to baseball and aren't asking him about…
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  • His bailout package darn well BETTER get credit flowing.  Otherwise what's the point?
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  • Just tuned in - any Helen Thomas questions 🙂
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  • Thx. O. Manny looked quite nice at the NR Party.  I don't remember if it was pinstripes but he had…
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  • Thx. ID.  You were there in spirit.
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  • My pleasure (especially the shoes).
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  • Thx CB. I enjoyed doing it.   Sorry to hear about your fires, it sounds horrible.
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  • MM says she thinks they said they had Silver Tickets.  
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  • I will confess how I first saw Mr. San Diego.  MM nudged me and nodded her head over to him…
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  • I refuse to Twitter That's ok.  The world doesn't care what you're doing minute to minute anyway.  Unlike Atrios.  :)…
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  • um ... "I'm sure there were famous netroots people there ..." Sorry I missed you at the party.   And…
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  • Thanks KS.  It was hard to choose from the pictures, MM took so many good ones.
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