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    ooh, great cormorants shot.
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  • The moon photo is outstanding.  
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  • They want a push from the Left, even a push that misleads our readers and advocates totally unrealistic outcomes or…
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  • Your plan works on the securitized mortgages because it pays them 100% off with no discount. (Of course many people…
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  • I can't tell ... is that gargantua looking intently at the chow wagon as she approaches?  
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  • He is a very optimistic dog.  At least when it comes to playing with the ball.  Not so much when…
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  • This seems to be his general attitude.  People.  Lovable but silly and with their priorities screwed up.
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  • Truman looks longingly over towards all the people who really should be playing with the ball with him instead of…
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  • Fantastic picture of Giddy.   She must really like the snow.  It's her element. 🙂
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  • oh my GOODNESS that's so cute!
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  • I don't follow you.  You want the government to refinance the loans - that means the old loan is paid…
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  • I seem to recall him saying something about that once.  Or twice.
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  • Reminds me of holding babies who can't control their motor skills and end up punching you in the eye.  …
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  • It's nice of you to keep linking to him.  I've read more David Sirota in the last hour than I…
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  • Is it always the same puppy who sleeps that way on top of his/her mother?  (Why do I think it's…
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  • Apparently the Conference Committee has reached a deal on the stimulus bill.  
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  • There should be direct government refinancing of mortgages. I'm waiting to see legislation on that.  The fact that most of…
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  • I don't think this plan will do anything directly to slow and reverse the rate of foreclosures.  Some changes in…
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  • So few people will understand this: It is totally incorrect that the value of a derivative correlates to the value…
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  • That's a different concept than improving the housing market.   You want to improve the market for real estate backed…
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