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    OMG.  I bet nobody is reading this thread any more, but one of my most disturbing college memories happened while…
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  • Neither.   The Who.
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  • Hmmm.  I seem to remember reading this just yesterday: We the people of the United States, in order to form…
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  • Except for the ones involving not committing treason, nearly all.....
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  • Seriously, is he smoking crack?
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  • I've been wanting to buy "Troublesome Young Men" for quite a while, so thank you for this link.
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  • If I ever adopt kids, I hope I find one as cool as this boy!
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  • You're going to laugh.   El Vez, the Mexican Elvis.  DC, 1999.  It was a blast. If he's ever in…
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  • She provides beauty and excitement to (most of) our otherwise mundane lives. What a self-centered stupid, pathetic waste of carbon.
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  • Convention ends with Satan and immigrants I don't know whether to laugh or cry!
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  • They seem to be saying that is perfectly okay to beat someone up because you hate them. So, it's okay…
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  • Bush cited Wolfowitz's work in championing programs to end poverty throughout the world. Ummm, isn't that setting the bar pretty…
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  • the Bush administration would stand up to the Democrat bullies and make some coherent points. Yeah, I'd like to see…
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  • Did anyone notice the utter lack of any issues or real substance in his comments?  If he's so hacked, you'd…
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  • OMG, this may be the stupidist thing I've heard ... oh let's say this year.
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  • Ah'm the ..... the - Laura, what's that word? - yeah, the DE-cider.  Hehhheh.
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  • Maybe the REAL point that everyone should make is this:  people had to go to Cuba, that evil bastion of…
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  • I always find it interesting that the main audience for rap is suburban white boys.  I've always suspected that they…
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  • Hmmm.  I never went back to reading it.  I'm sure I'm not the only one. I suspect that the site…
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  • Welcome to Booman Tribune!  It's always good to have a new voice. Can someone reassure me that the fact that…
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