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    I saw an interesting post on MyDD a few weeks ago.  It showed some polling that indicated that, for the…
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  • Well, I didn't say that I disagreed with the legislation.  But I do understand why some people might object to…
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  • I'm not a whacko, really!  I have asthma and smoke is unbearable.  Had to walk out of my local diner…
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  • I remember BeagleandTabby from this place - the absolute best username around.  I'm so glad he's still with us, and…
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  • I hated that analogy.  If they're the 300, that makes the rest of us the Persians.   Plus, this notion…
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  • If Bush does veto this, Congress should pass the same legislation every two weeks.  Make Bush veto the bill over…
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  • People are really crazy sometimes.  I've been reading this site (and sometimes commenting) for a couple of years and I…
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  • Thanks BooMan.  The editors are crude, but sadly they're right. When Bill Clinton first ran for office, I subscribed to…
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  • Hmm, interesting point.  I think my mother is the most wonderful woman in the world, so I probably don't have…
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  • I think she's mostly fine, especially in interviews.  I've attended one of her speeches and she was amazingly good.  Seriously,…
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  • I often find myself reading The American Conservative these days, often to remind myself that Republican does not equal Conservative.…
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  • Damn, I hope Pres. Chavez never gets mad at me!
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  • I want to move there.  I just know I'm cut out to be a crusty New Englander.
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  • The LBJ book is loooooooooonnnnnnngggggg.  It's interesting on domestic policy, so-so on Vietnam, and good on personal stuff.  It really…
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  • Last Fiction:  The Thirteenth Tale by ?? Last Non-Fiction:  LBJ: Architect of American Ambition Last Audiobook:  The Mauritius Command by…
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  • Except for Johnson, every one of these assholes ought to be dropped in Bagdahd.  And throw Lieberman and everyone who…
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  • Hmm, how do I submit my petition?
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  • Wow, I had no idea!
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  • Thanks BooMan.  I'm going to go poke my eyes out now!
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  • Read about this in Wired a year or two ago, and now I hear the company is doing quite well:…
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