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    You are no more a protector of the Constitution than am I I'll believe that when he actually stands up…
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  • Didn't John Kerry say at some point that, during the campaign, he came to believe that his phone was being…
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  • Yes, please.  Can you send me an email?  mlr701 at gmail dot com.
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  • Because I'm not a snake-handling moron?
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  • Would you want to be friends or have sex with that?   <shudder, cry, take shower, poke eyes out>
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  • Run, Al, Run! http://www.draftgore2008.org/
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  • Does anyone here have XM radio?  Do they still have a World Music station?  I can't find one in their…
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  • What sizes would you recommend?  I'm really, really hopeless at figuring out what most people wear.
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  • Oh BooMan, you made me cry.
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  • I'm thinking about how, if the Dems manage to win back Congress in November, we should start pushing for the…
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  • In case you haven't seen it, interesting (and sad!) diary at MyDD. Link
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  • It's not a story, but did anyone else get the weird Zogby survey about Egypt? WTF??
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  • Thanks very much for posting this most excellent diary.  Great read, and I'll be watching for RS at my newsstand.
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  • I know I'm a little perverse, but I'm sorry to see Scotty boy go.  Not because I like him, or…
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  • I thought my Target had a bad batch.  I bought them and keep them in my office.  I call them…
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  • LOL!  That was my first thought:  "Yer doin a heck of uh job Rummy!"  Then I searched the comments and…
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  • Lawrence of Arabia The Lion in Winter Peter O'Toole reads the phone book.... oh wait, that's not a movie.
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  • I heard a sound bite from Jack Straw calling any such plans "insane". I believe it was on the Ed…
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  • I think she has to be a virgin too.
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  • Vietnam was an aberration. We didn't have a good reason to be there and we didn't commit all our resources.…
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