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    I had absolutely no idea that these ports were run by any type of foreign entity.  THAT is the part…
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  • Can I vote to have this front-paged?   Sadly, a lot of folks don't look at the diaries, and everone…
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  • We have four dogs, and I bet we'd never have to pay another utility bill!
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  • I don't think that "he did it first!" is much of a reason to be unpleasant.  I simply wanted to…
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  • I saw that one, but your comment means that now I have to go read the review.   I've been…
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  • Can a country actually drown in hypocrisy?   Thanks for posting this.  Good laughs and good ammo.
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  • DF, if I ever encounter a candidate with the courage to say what you just wrote, I'll work my fingers…
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  • I'm giving you a 2 for that comment.  The next time you want to write that someone sounds like a…
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  • We, the people, should never vote for a stupid, incompetent, or evil candidate simple because they have an R or…
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  • If I lived in Pennsylvania, I'd be sick and tired of hearing about how I should vote for Casey.  I…
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  • I had a cat named Leo when I was in undergrad.  Named him after my Sociology professor.  He was black…
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  • Oh dear.  Is anyone else using Firefox?  I am, and I can't see any of the reasons!  I see a…
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  • I took it too!  It was unusually long.  I also noted some nasty questions that included the phrase "pre-9/11 mentality"…
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  • Fukuyama, btw, has changed a bit since The End of History.  The American Prospect ran a very interesting article about…
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  • Ah, they can dish it out, but they sure can't take it. <laughs>
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  • Via AP: Md. Judge Strikes Down Gay-Marriage Ban - - - - - - - - - - - -…
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  • Aside from publicizing these, every Dem in Congress and every Dem running for an open or Republican-held Congressional seat should…
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  • Run Al, run!  Gore in 2008! I was happy to vote for him in 2000 and I'd do it again…
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  • Remember "getting government off our backs"?  Well, it's off our backs now ... and in our bedrooms, our bodies, our…
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  • Keep repeating: Immoral Republican Congress Corrupt Republican Congress
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