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    Society is collapsing now, but that doesn't mean we can't mitigate a lot of the worst aspects of it for…
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  • Polls are absolutely useless. I know that doesn't answer your question, but it's true. They are useless. They mean absolutely…
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  • Your analysis is definitely one of the reasons why I've been coming here at least once a day for the…
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  • I feel like the Democrats in the House have the ball and can tell Republicans they're going home at any…
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  • The American Taliban isn't a tongue-in-cheek aphorism.
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  • Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis. Who's going to tell millions of Jewish people that…
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  • If Johnson wants to be the Bipartisan Speaker, he has to pass the foreign aid spending bills before Jeffries even…
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  • I'm of two minds on this. Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.Fascism thrives in chaos.So, while…
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  • Total necro of this comment thread 5.5 years later, but... Trump 2020 vote percentage: 46.8%. Unless the Republican candidate goes…
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  • I'll keep saying it because it's important. Polls do not mean anything at all. They are all 100% irrelevant to…
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  • Separating out anti-Semitism from criticism of Israel is the second-to-last thing in the world Israel wants. The last thing in…
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  • Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
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  • Banning TikTok is a own-goal by anyone who votes for it.
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  • Sotomayor should definitely retire. This is probably the last year in which Biden will be able to seat a Justice…
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  • I can't imagine that Trump is going to coast to victory. Everything about 2018, 2020, and 2022 gives me hope…
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  • I'm 100% against giving up. See my multiple posts where I encourage liberals to safely own and operate firearms. When…
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  • If Biden can't beat Trump, it's way too fucking late.
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  • Polls don't mean shit, the popular vote doesn't mean shit, the only thing that matters is turnout. Either "good" turnout…
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  • There's close to zero chance that humans do anything to the moon besides leave a few pieces of debris on…
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  • Yes, GDP, the receipt of the worlds' resources we've dug up and burned, has increased. And now East Asians expect…
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