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    Everyone hated Rmoney. Everyone. Even the people who voted for him. The polls during primary season show it. Besides, conservatives…
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  • Agreed. I realize that most Democrats aren't socialists who want to appropriate the means of production for the workers, but…
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  • Serious question. To pass a bill in the Senate requires 60 votes. To remove the President from office in an…
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  • Bingo. This is the correct, definitive answer. Right-wing authoritarians love authority. And ol' Putin is certainly that.
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  • The problem is that as the world Empire, we are also the worlds law. So, if we don't admit to…
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  • Here's an off-the-cuff formula for determining how much someone is willing to sell themselves for to be a messenger for…
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  • Government in a (representative) democracy is government that is supposed to actually respond to the needs of the people. On…
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  • Boehner is an old school Republican - a true grifter, rather than a true believer. He's still Speaker, with his…
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  • None of it matters. The continued slow-mo ethnic cleansing will continue as planned. Hamas will fire off bottle rockets in…
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  • End Female Suffrage!
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  • The G̶e̶n̶d̶e̶r̶ ̶T̶r̶a̶i̶t̶o̶r̶ ̶T̶o̶k̶e̶n̶ ̶S̶h̶i̶l̶l̶ woman is a strategist, so she has to have a strategy to keep getting paid.
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  • Straight projection. If you listen to them, you'll notice that the real victim is the cops, Israel, and of course,…
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  • Let's be clear here. Bottled water is some municipalities tap water. Period.
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  • Honestly, I think 1984-levels of surveillance was inevitable. The only difference is whether the people stand up and say they…
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  • Just as I think all drugs should be 100% legal, I think prostitution should also be 100% legal. Both should…
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  • But if the legal/health protections aren't there now, are you worried that it would become worse (?) or that more…
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  • Primer
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  • In the same vein that I'm desensitized to US Empire, I'm also desensitized to the now-obsolete concept of privacy. If…
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  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid_fluoride_thorium_reactor It isn't theoretical. They exist, and have been tested as far back as the 1960s. These types of reactors…
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  • You can remove my troll-ratings, and perhaps most of his posts will come back. I didn't know that the rating…
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