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    When voting is seen as a community good, people will show up and vote, just like they show up to…
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  • Let's be real clear and honest here. Republicans don't have a problem with abortion. They pay for them All. The.…
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  • It's just math, y'all. What do all you God-fearin' commies have against math?
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  • I'm fairly certain at this point that any assassination of a sitting US President would be seen as warfare started…
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  • Obama is a relatively-decent center-right Democrat who knows how to play Emperor much better than Bush Jr or McCain. He…
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  • Yes. Ratfucking works wonders. It's Kansas, so it is par for the course anyway.
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  • Capitalism is pretty much the root problem of humanity. Fossil fuels are just a visible symptom of it. Capitalism tends…
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  • Until all of the right people are able to make more money going green, we'll keep on chugging along burning…
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  • Nader. The answer to the question no one is asking.
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  • Honestly, if I had money to burn, I'd get people to vote through ratfucking Republicans. All day, every day. I'd…
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  • Yes, the article headline may be awful, but they're winning the morning or something. I bet Goebbels won the morning…
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  • Ok, but it doesn't change the fact that you can download lossless audio that is as good or better than…
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  • We can just let McCain do all the heavy lifting himself, since he's such a badass. We are going to…
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  • The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
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  • Without planned obsolescence we'd all be stuck with high-quality functioning goods and a very stagnant rate of growth. If we…
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  • When an artist gives me the ability to pay what I want for their album, as Radiohead has done, I've…
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  • Napster and high-speed internet signaled the end of music stores. I remember when I was a kid needing to leave…
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  • Bombs and bullets have been solving the Middle East's problems since time immemorial, so I'm sure this time we'll be…
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  • Listen up. Saudia Arabia is our puppet. Or, we're their puppet. Doesn't matter... They are on our official Allies!TM list.…
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  • Well, I may be "negative" but I certainly don't attack the intelligence of posters. And my original post in this…
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